Thursday, May 20, 2010

Likes today

I am finally back in Kassel city again, after much travel and adventure including crazy Danes, gorgeous baking Swedes in flowering cactus gardens and cigar smoking Hungarians. Not to mention the orderly Dutch, the fancy Belgians and the amount of inspiration - both musical and visual they have given me. But more on this later!

For now I will ease myself back into the art of blogging by sharing my inspiration today and rambling a little about the current going ons in my head. This isn´t a complex thing at this time. I am in a typically quiet and lonerish mood, wherein I am so happy and content just to sit in front of the computer (a blessing in itself after the last month of "stealing" internet at friends´ houses around the place) and browse blogs and designers, listen to moody jazz and drink strange fragrant teas. I think the selection of images below is a rather accurate depiction of my current internal landscape. All is well. Peace and quiet.

the last few shots are from the lovely collection I stumbled onto here

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