Saturday, November 19, 2011

the light at the end of the tunnel

I am now down to the last week of my Bachelor of Visual Arts (Art History) and boy am I feeling the strain! The other day I read a quote "the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off due to budget cuts", and I laughed out loud, because that is totally what it feels like. Writing the last half of my final essay is decidedly painstaking, and its the copious amounts of tea, beautiful sunshine and episodes of Dexter that keep me going. Oh and of course the prospect of finally being finished, and having a summer of fun to look forward to. I've been drawing a bit too, to give my eyes a break from the monitor. Here are a couple of fruits of this week's labour.


esther said...

Ow, I so know how you feel! It always sort of makes me feel like I am climbing this huge mountain, and I so don't want to go any further, but all the time it is like ok just a little bit more your almost there, haha... At least you have something nice to look forward to! I love the drawings you made, especially the third one!

fruzsi said...

Hi Esther, thank you :) "just a little bit further" is exactly what I've been telling myself. glad you like the drawings too :)

Claire Ishino said...

No no Fruzsi! Look closely, the light is still there!!! Thanks to skylights and solar power! (*o*)/
Ganbatte kudasai! (Japanese for keep going or keep fighting - you can do it!)

fruzsi said...

Thanks for the lovely comment Claire, it definitely put a smile on my face! Arigato gozaimasu!